Marriage Boot Camp

Do feel like your marriage is in a war zone, and you don’t know how to fight the battle? Marriage Boot Camp is here! What is Marriage Boot Camp? It’s a way to train for a good, solid, fun, functional and productive marriage!

In Marriage Boot Camp we train you to be strong, sensitive, and to defend each other against hostile outside forces! What kind of “hostile outside forces” does Marriage Boot Camp train you to defend against? Well, to start…Marriage Boot Camp helps one or both members of a marriage to identify them as hostile (sometimes they appear to be friendly, but aren’t, at least not all the time)….such things as family members or friends, financial issues, work issues, governmental agency issues, health issues….

When you attend 16 weeks of Marriage Boot Camp counseling you will learn to nurture each other, and love each other, and work together to combat the hostile outside forces that are tearing apart your marriage!

What if the enemy is your spouse? Not to fear, Marriage Boot Camp is here! Your hostile spouse might not even know that they are hostile…or feel like hostility is the only way! And, have you considered that your spouse might consider you as the enemy, and you don’t even know that you are hostile? At Marriage Boot Camp, education is the key! We will teach you methods to recognize hostility, and turn it in to peace! Make love, not war!

Marriage Boot Camp will show you many ways to improve your marriage. Don’t give up! Put away that white flag of surrender!

But wait, what if your marriage is fine, it has just lost its shine, become boring, is sexless, or otherwise estranged? Marriage Boot Camp will re-invigorate your passion! We have a special Quality of Life track that provides a couple the knowledge, skill and experience to adopt positive, fun, and fulfilling habits! Marriage Boot Camp will improve passion, intimacy, excitement, and joy! Mariage Boot Camp provides homework assignments designed to improve your sexual time together! Just 12 to 20 weeks in Marriage Boot Camp, at only one to two sessions per week, will change your lives for the better!


Marriage Boot Camp is comprised of counseling sessions once or twice per week; each session is 45 to 90 minutes long. How often you engage is totally up to you; the more intensive and frequent the visits, the faster you will improve.

Sequence of events to expect at Marriage Boot Camp:

  • First, we find out what the strengths and areas needing improvement are.

  • Second, we look into any possible medical issues that could be affecting the marriage, and coordinate care with medical professionals if needed.

  • Third, we develop a treatment plan based on our findings.

  • Fourth, we implement the treatment plan.

  • Fifth, we adjust the treatment plan as we go, because there are ALWAYS changes that need to be made.

Marriage Boot Camp is not easy. We are very demanding in our requirements! You get out of it as much as you put in, so your motivation is key! You will need to change your ways, and it will be hard, but so very worth it!


Successful Marriage Boot Camp clients achieve one of two positive outcomes:

  1. An improved marriage, as demonstrated by passion, cooperation, bliss, pleasure, and so many other measures.

  2. A successful divorce! Many couples enter Marriage Boot Camp as a way to clarify their need for a divorce. In these situations, Marriage Boot Camp lays out the way to have a successful divorce, with the minimum of emotional, physical, and legal distress!

Believe it or not, a well-planned, peaceful divorce is considered a success at Marriage Boot Camp! Good planning in a divorce, and helpful cooperation on the part of both parties, is a lot better than hostility and giving the lawyers most of your assets during a long legal battle!

We have so much to offer you at Marriage Boot Camp. Some of the most common issues that we address in Marriage Boot Camp include the following:

  • Hostility/Violence

  • Psychological/Mental Abuse

  • Substance Abuse disorders

  • History of Trauma (PTSD)

  • Decreased Intimacy (true intimacy, not just sex)

  • Mismatch of sexual capacity/appetite/desire

  • Infidelity

  • Family/Social relationship interference

  • Societal stigma (your marriage is not seen as “appropriate” in some way by others)

  • Transition issues (children, employment changes, age, etc.)

Here is where things get interesting:


Your marriage is fantastic! No problems at all! You know you can take things to a higher level!

Marriage Boot Camp has a component that enhances an already-good marriage. In this course you will learn, over 16 to 20 weeks, the basic and intermediate concepts and activities of a more Empathetic, Compassionate, and Enhanced relationship will emerge. As you two learn of these concepts, you will be assigned homework exercises to enhance the power of your intimacy/sexuality. Your lovemaking sessions will intensify in pleasure and duration; you will understand and incorporate dietary components, physical activity, and scheduled rituals (not necessarily religious, but these tantric rituals may integrate your chosen faith) into your daily regimen.

The Enhancement Component of Marriage Boot Camp is for happy couples to get happier, more ecstatic, and Tantric, even.

Sign up….Nothing to lose, except maybe your marriage….but in that case it is definitely for the better, anyway!

Matthew Brittain